Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What's you Dosha or Mind/Body type?

In my blog UnCover Your Health Within I talked about the age old question who am I? If you look back in recent blogs on this site you will find a test you can take to find out about your onion of who you are? You need to peel away at this onion by removing the outer layers first, you know if you cut right into the onion it can make you cry out in pain. The cut right to can work but supervision is advised even a specialised clinic.

I have done this both ways. I peel a bit and cut a bit. Peeling is easy though slower, cutting is sharp, though if you cut too deep a healing crisis may emerge and if you cut in the wrong place you have to wait to heal to cut again.

In Ayurveda these written test and knowledge help you peel the onion. Ayurvedic pulse analysis can help cut in the right place and know how deep to go.

First take these test and on your own try to hit the high spots of the obvious imbalances.

Let's look at the doshas:

Balance is the key: The three doshas According to Ayurveda, perfect health is a state where mind, body and spirit are balanced. All activities of the mind and body are governed by three biological principles or doshas -- Vata, Pitta and Kapha, each of which is made up of some of the five elements of creation or mahabhutas. Vata is mainly air and space, and governs movement in the body-the flow of blood, for example, or elimination, or breathing or thoughts flitting across the mind. Since the other two doshas, Pitta and Kapha, cannot move without Vata, Vata is considered the lead dosha. Pitta, mainly fire and water, governs heat, metabolism and transformation. Digestion is an important Pitta activity. Kapha is made up mainly of earth and water, and, accordingly, is linked to structure and moisture balance in the physiology. Among other things, Kapha controls weight and lubrication in the lungs, for example. Each of the doshas is also related to a season of the year -- Kapha with Spring, Pitta with Summer and Vata with Fall and Winter. When all of these doshas are perfectly in balance in an individual, it means that all the systems and activities of mind and body are functioning at optimal levels, and the individual, therefore, enjoys perfect health. When one or more of these doshas goes out of balance, disorders result. Some factors that can cause these doshas to become imbalanced are improper diet or eating habits, stress, pollution or the weather. Then, to restore good health, the dosha that has become imbalanced needs to be restored to its original make-up in that specific individual.
Prakriti and Vikriti

It has become common to associate Ayurveda just with superficial body-typing, based on the fact that every individual is born as a combination of one or more of the three doshas described above. Asking What is your dosha? or Are you Vata, Pitta or Kapha? is just barely scratching the surface of Ayurveda. It is much more important to go beyond introductory body-typing or finding out the Prakriti of an individual to determining what imbalances exist in a person's physiology (Vikriti) -- and then finding out how to restore balance.

Again take one or more of the many dosha quizzes online and shot me an email at if you have any questions.

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